Copyright(c) Riley Evans 2020
LicenseBSD 3-Clause
Safe HaskellNone



This package contains all the constructors needed to build a Circuit.


Main Type

type Circuit = IFix5 CircuitF #

The core type for a Circuit. It takes 5 different type arguments

Circuit (inputsStorageTypes  :: [Type -> Type]) (inputsTypes  :: [Type])
        (outputsStorageTypes :: [Type -> Type]) (outputsTypes :: [Type])
        (nInputs :: Nat)

inputStorageTypes is a type-list of storage types, for example '[VariableStore, CSVStore].

inputTypes is a type-list of the types stored in the storage, for example '[Int, [(String, Float)]].

outputsStorageTypes and inputTypes mirror the examples above, but for the outputs instead.

nInputs is a type-level Nat that is the length of all input lists.


id :: DataStore' '[f] '[a] => Circuit '[f] '[a] '[f] '[a] N1 #

Passes an input through without modifying it.

In diagram form it would look like,


replicate2 :: DataStore' '[f] '[a] => Circuit '[f] '[a] '[f, f] '[a, a] N1 #

Duplicates an input.

In diagram form it would look like,


replicateN :: ReplicateN n f a => SNat n -> Circuit '[f] '[a] (Replicate n f) (Replicate n a) N1 #

(<->) infixr 4 #


:: (DataStore' fs as, DataStore' gs bs, DataStore' hs cs) 
=> Circuit fs as gs bs nfs

First circuit (a)

-> Circuit gs bs hs cs ngs

Second circuit (b)

-> Circuit fs as hs cs nfs 

Usually referred to as "then", this operator joins two levels of a circuit together.

A diagram representing a <-> b or "a then b" can be seen below,

| ... |    -- Any number of inputs
| ... |    -- outputs a ~ inputs b
| ... |    -- Any number of outputs

(<>) infixr 5 #


:: (DataStore' fs as, DataStore' gs bs, DataStore' hs cs, DataStore' is ds, nfs ~ Length fs, IsNat nfs, IsNat nhs, Length fs ~ Length as, Length gs ~ Length bs, Length hs ~ Length cs, Length is ~ Length ds, Take (Length as) (as :++ cs) ~ as, Take (Length as) (fs :++ hs) ~ fs, Drop (Length as) (as :++ cs) ~ cs, Drop (Length as) (fs :++ hs) ~ hs, AppendP gs bs is ds) 
=> Circuit fs as gs bs nfs

Left circuit

-> Circuit hs cs is ds nhs

Right circuit

-> Circuit (fs :++ hs) (as :++ cs) (gs :++ is) (bs :++ ds) (nfs :+ nhs) 

Usually referred to as "beside" or "next to", this operator joins two circuits next to each other.

A diagram representing a <> b or "a next to b" can be seen below,

| ... | ... |  -- inputs  a ++ inputs  b
   a     b
| ... | ... |  -- outputs a ++ outputs b

swap :: DataStore' '[f, g] '[a, b] => Circuit '[f, g] '[a, b] '[g, f] '[b, a] N2 #

Swaps to input values around.

In diagram form this would look like,


dropL :: DataStore' '[f, g] '[a, b] => Circuit '[f, g] '[a, b] '[g] '[b] N2 #

Takes two values as input and drops the left input.

dropR :: DataStore' '[f, g] '[a, b] => Circuit '[f, g] '[a, b] '[f] '[a] N2 #

Takes two values as input and drops the right input.

mapC :: (DataStore' '[f] '[[a]], DataStore g [b], Eq (g [b]), Eq a) => Circuit '[Var] '[a] '[Var] '[b] N1 -> Circuit '[f] '[[a]] '[g] '[[b]] N1 #

Maps a circuit on the inputs